I am still rather useless aren't I. In order to defend myself, I will say that I have been staying off the computer, in order to protect my already crazy mind, from going even crazier. Therefore, I haven't sat long enough to update.
However... we had our 12 week scan on Monday. Both babies are doing well, and were measuring 3 days ahead. This means that today, I am 12 weeks and 3 days, and we are officially past the 12 week point. Phew.
We have a long way to go, but we are a third of the way there. We are feeling a little more confident about meeting our babies, and I am starting to believe it may be real! Might need to get my head around it before they decide to meet us.
I was very nervous about the scan. I think I am too aware of what can go wrong. We arrived early, so everything was done with little waiting. The sonographer was training on a new machine, so we only really got to see the babies for 10 seconds, just to look at the heart beat. I was a little disappointed, as the ladies in the room were talking about how the babies were wriggling. It would have been lovely to watch. However, I am just extremely grateful that both our babies are growing well. We also got lots of lovely photo's so I can't complain. The scan was a little uncomfortable. She was poking and prodding, and my round ligaments have been playing up, so the scan aggravated that, but of course, all worth it.
We then went back into the antenatal clinic, where I had my urine and blood pressure checked, and bloods taken. I am unable to have the screening for Downs Syndrome due to carrying twins. The results are not reliable. This doesn't worry us. We are already in love with our babies, and will deal with any problems when we need to.
I then waited 5 minutes, and went in to see the midwife. She explained that my due date is now 30th August, instead of the 2nd September. She also explained that I need to book in for a Glucose Tolerance Test, to test for Gestational Diabetes at 28 weeks, so that is booked for the 1st June. I will get an appointment to see my consultant in the post, and also a date for my 20 week scan.
This was about it. In total we were there for an hour and a half. It was exciting and relieving all in one, but it made it feel so real. For the first time in my life...I have had my 12 week scan. There were so many moments when I didn't believe I would get here.
I am so glad that those important people in my life reminded to me to have faith and hope in myself and my babies. Please remember to have hope.... miracles do happen xxxx
Baby 1 |
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Baby 2 |
Love always,