Friday, 23 May 2014

Dreams may come true...

You wait, you wish, you dream....and then, it happens. And freak out! 

We had our date today. Our Egg collection is on the 28th July. 9 weeks and 3 days. The moment where the lovely staff at our clinic try to fulfill dreams. The dreams of two families. 

We started trying to start our family 4 years ago. In the early days, I'm not sure I contemplated what would happen when we saw those 2 lines. We were just trying. 

Now in less than 10 weeks time (fingers crossed and all going well), I will have an embie put back inside of me, and we live in hope that a couple of weeks from there, we will have our BFP. 

I'm scared now. Scared of the treatment, Scared of it not working, even a little bit scared of it working (in a funny sort of way!) We have waited so long and now the possibility is virtually at our finger tips. 

My head is spinning with everything I should be doing and how to prepare. 

I am, of course, very excited too! I am amazed at what the end result may hopefully be. 

Hubby is being amazing. He is so excited. He had his FSH levels back today. They were 21, so seems that they are settling around the twenties. The consultant feel's that there is very little chance of retrieving anything, so we are full speed ahead with a donor. I am so proud of him, and the person he has become. He often gets put down by the people who are supposed to be close to him... but he really is a better person than they dare to believe. 

So not long now, the wait is almost over. We will begin to count the days... 

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