Tuesday, 24 June 2014

The countdown begins...

It's been a few weeks since my last post I am afraid. Things have been getting on top of me quite a bit. I don't feel stressed about the IVF, but everything else is getting on top of me more than normal, so I guess it is bothering me, sub-consciously.

This is the countdown now, and I am going to do my best to update daily once treatment begins. I will try to add as much about the treatment, my diet, what I am doing etc. I know I find reading other people's journey's interesting, and it helps me to get my head around everything. 

So, a week today I would have had my injection teach and done my first injection. 

But for now I will continue to take my 500mg of Metformin (waiting for a call from the consultant to see if they want me to up my dose), my contraception pill, and my folic acid and vitamins.

We had a letter through from the clinic yesterday to say that our donor sperm is now waiting and safe in the clinic! Madness!  

But for today, I will say goodnight... 

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Special Delivery...

Oh my bloomin goodness. A man in a van turned up today with a very normal looking box with my name on it. To anyone else, it was just a box. Something I'd ordered online. I was so excited. This was all about to get very real. 

So I ripped open the box to see what was inside... and nearly fainted at the 60 needles for the Suprecur, the 60 pen applicators for the Bursulin, and the sharps box! 

I officially have all of my IVF drugs!! I thought I would take some pictures. I know I have always found it helpful and interesting to see other people's photo's to get a feeling of what to expect... 

I was even given a lovely bag to keep it all in - however, as you can see, some of it needs to sit in the fridge and chill! 

So we are one step closer....next job is to order our sperm..... I shall be back to let you know how that goes. 

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Let's be happy..

Ok, so firstly I wanted to apologise for that awfully depressing post yesterday. I just realised I forgot to put labels on it to make it easier to search. I am so thankful for this!! 

I was having one of those days, where you feel lost. Today is a better day and I am being happy, happy, happy. 

I talked to the clinic again yesterday, and it looks as though we are on for the original date. So in 3 weeks and 6 days, I will be on my way to my injection teach, and doing my first injection. 

Aaaaaah. I'm scared. I'm not terrified of needles, but doing it myself! Please someone tell me it is ok. 

It's a scary journey, this one. Full of ups and downs. I used to wonder why there was so much emphasis on the stress around IVF but I understand now, and I haven't even started treatment yet. I have so much admiration for every person, be it single or in a couple, that walk this path. 

I am now on metformin, watching my diet, drinking my 2 litres a day, and craving every bad food (that I don't usually eat anyway!!) because I am being so good. Hubby did bring me home some chocolate yesterday.... mmmmmmm so good! 

So from me today...... 

Take care guys, 

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

You spin me right round...

Sorry it's been a while. The truth is, I don't really know what to say. I'm lost for words. Sometimes, I can think of lines and lines to say, but at the moment, I don't really know how I am feeling.

Things are stressful at home. I have no permanent work, and it is too close to the treatment now to apply for something full time. Hubby is brilliant, but we are struggling financially. I feel stuck in a whirlpool, going round and round. I want to be bringing in an income, but my desire to have a baby is so much stronger.

I have always felt like that though. I want to be a mummy. I want to do home cooking and bake and keep the house.

Anyway, the clinic have been in touch and treatment has been delayed by approximately a week, due to complications. I was sad at first, but at least it is still happening. Trouble is, when you only have that one thing to focus on, moving the dates is hard. I am happy with one week, however it opened my eyes to the fact that this isn't set in stone. Anything could go wrong.

Bit of a dull one today, I am afraid. I will pull my PMA pants back up firmly around my waste, and be productive....

See me ! The yellow one! :)