I have just changed this following picture as my cover photograph on Facebook...
For those just joining, we named our embryo's Chickpea and Baked Bean. Well hubby did, and it grew on me. Friends know about the IVF, but not as public as facebook. I wanted to put up the pictures of our embryo's but I don't think hubby would agree.
This isn't because I want the world to know our business or because I want sympathy. It is because I feel they were a part of me. Why should I forget them, just because they didn't grow into babies. Friends put pictures of their babies on, and their scan pictures, why shouldn't I have a picture to remember my embryo's by.
I shouldn't be ashamed because they didn't make it, and I shouldn't have to just move on. I am not sad over the loss anymore. I do sit and think about the journey, what life would be like now had it worked, etc... But I am not wallowing in self pity. However, I do feel that other peoples attitude is this... well it didn't work, your not pregnant, forget it all and move on.
No I shall not. My first IVF cycle taught me a lot, it had an impact on my life, my marriage, my friendships, my family. Why should I not be proud that we created 2 embryo's and I kept them warm for the time that I did.
I put photo's of my dog and cat on facebook, so now I have Chickpea and Baked bean on there...
I may read this back in 6 months and decide I am officially loopy...what do you think?
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