Name: Me ... For reasons that will become clear.
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Status: Married to 'Him'
Living: In the U.K
Number of Children: 0
Number of Pregnancies: 0
Number of pregnancy tests taken: In excess of....200?
Number of Months Trying to Conceive: 38
A bit of background for you... (actually, after reading it, it's not a bit...it's bloomin' loads!)
I met my husband in 2007, married him in 2011. In 2010 we decided to try for a baby. In 2008, I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, so we knew it wouldn't be plain sailing. I was overweight (18st), my cycles were all over the place. I would be lucky if I saw them every couple of months. But, knowing very little about conception (they don't teach you about infertility in school!), and how it all actually works, I jumped on the 'Babycentre' bandwagon, became totally consumed and decided it would only be a few months....
Nothing happened. I cried, I stamped, I decided my life was totally rubbish.. I pee'd on hundreds of sticks, stuck my butt in the air on countless occasions, cycled upside down, and took my temperature every morning for months, chose several prams and had decided every item of clothing from 'George' for my baby's wardrobe(this happened monthly!)... I was probably a living nightmare!
Over the following year, my weight dropped, probably to about 15/16 St. My cycles began to even out, and the terrible pains that I had suffered for years gradually eased.
In March 2011 we went to the doctors and explained the usual...trying for over a year, nothing happening, please help us... they were pretty good, and arranged for a Sperm Analysis Test for him, before investigating further.
So we go away, happy to be moving along. 1 week later, we are back for the results. We were calm as cucumbers, essentially we 'knew' it was my problem.
So, when the young male doctor spluttered (bless him, think he was more nervous than us!) that my poor husband had no sperm at all, none, nothing, not even one swimming backwards, it was a complete shock. The test was repeated... results were the same... a referral was made to the urologist for further investigation.
Urologist was seen, he examined him, told him he had small wotsits and high FSH levels at 27. He was officially diagnosed with 'Non-obstructive Azoospermia'. In simple definition... No sperm with no blockage. We were doomed! He told us that there was little point in being referred for further treatment, unless we decided on using Donor Sperm. (Hence my name being 'Me'. We have decided to proceed with Donor sperm if all else fails, and as this is a big decision, we have decided that only close family will be aware.)
In April 2013, we asked our doctor to refer us to the fertility clinic. It was worth a shot. We had our first appointment in November. I will document this in a new blog entry... you are probably asleep now!
I am now 11st6lb's. Obviously, we have just past Christmas, and after looking in my cupboard at the empty boxes of chocolate, I have realised that my excessive consumption may have put that reading up by a few stone!
We are looking forward to the new year, in the hope that the stork will at least visit us with an extra line in 2014. I have decided that I would like to document my journey. Share it with others. Support others going through this wicked infertility journey.
Please join me on this journey, share your stories, comment on mine, use my blog as a community, and let's go catch this stork!!
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