Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Keep growing Eggs!

It has been exactly a week since I posted. I had hoped to write every day with my progress. Problem is, come 7pm, I am shattered and just want to lie on the sofa and shut out the world!

The increase in drugs has really put me on edge, and I have been a nervous wreck...will I get too many eggs? Will I have enough eggs to egg share? Will my Egg Collection be cancelled due to OHSS (Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome) In hindsight, I should probably just relax and take each day as it comes. 

The injecting itself has been fine, just like last time, after the first one, you feel like a pro! I have felt twinges very early on this time, which is a good sign something is happening, but the tiredness has hit me. 

I had my first Stimms scan yesterday to check my progress. I was nervous, as my first scan last cycle was the quite negative. Last time on my first scan, I had 11 follicles, but none had done much growing and were very small. So... 

This time, we have 8 follicles that are measurable, and 12 tiny ones yet to respond. My drugs are remaining at 275, and I am back tomorrow for a scan. We need 10 good sized follicles to egg share, so hopefully we are close. Nothing is set in stone, but we can hope. It is certainly better than last time! 

I am feeling more positive today. I have my lovely eggs growing away, and I really hope one will result in our miracle baby. 

It would be great if my lovely lady gets her miracle too....come on eggies, grow, grow, grow! 

I will be back tomorrow with an update! 

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