Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Here I go.....

So the good news is that today was the beginning of IVF journey number 2.

I'm being silly...there isn't any bad news really but....ouch!

If you had have asked me yesterday if I was good with pain, I would have said yes. I thought I had a high pain threshold. However, I have a different opinion today. I knew it would be 'uncomfortable' but most people say it isn't that bad.

So we got to the clinic after taking 2 paracetamol and 2 high strength ibuprofen. The consultant was dealing with an emergency, so we made ourselves comfy on the sofa's. Hubby had a hot chocolate and I sat contemplating whether to run for the door!!

After a while, we went upstairs and had a chat about any concerns, then we got down to business. It took a few minutes once all set up. Maybe about 1 minute of scratching. Afterwards it was about 30 minutes of very strong period pain. Unfortunately, maybe due to pain, maybe due to nerves, just like after egg collection, I stood up, went white and the room started to spin. Luckily, I managed to lie down before gravity got the better of me. After a very sweet cup of tea sat in recovery, I made my slowly downstairs whilst hubby went to fetch the car.

After about 40 minutes, I was tender and twingy, but much, much better. The good thing is that the pain doesn't last long.

Hubby has been a saint and really looked after me, and I am now getting very excited about the onset of this cycle.

Tonight, after my lovely dinner, I wolfed down my Folic Acid, Sanatogen Mother To Be, Omega 3,  Flaxeed, Co Q10, B Complex, Zinc and Royal Jelly. Don't ask me what they do...I don't really know.

Every little helps eh!

So tomorrow I take the pill, then we wait. Next week will be busy!!

Just a quick note to anyone having the scratch...I don't want to scare anyone. Yes it hurts.... but sat here now, it is all over, and apart from being a bit tender, I am fine. I am proud of myself for doing it and so glad I did. I know that I am doing everything I can for my embies to survive this time!!

I am going to settle down and chill now, so over and out my lovely readers..

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